We deliver everywhere in the world. Orders are prepared carefully and shipped from our warehouse located in Charente-Maritime (France). Our shipping costs are voluntarily low, in order to make possible for you to order what you need and to be able to test the large range of Vandoren products.
The delivery of your order :
Orders are usually shipped between 24 and 48 hours after receipt of your payment. For France and countries in the European Union, the standard delivery is free (what you can see on the product page and on the order validation page)
For France and countries in the European Union :
• Your order only deals with reeds or small accessories :
In order to ensure a quick delivery, your package is shipped by the post. It is given to you directly by the postman or is put in your mailbox in your absence. Packages do not have any tracking number but have a postal authentication number in case of any delivery problem. Concerning countries in the European Union, packages are delivered by your local postal service.
• Your order contains a mouthpiece or a ligature, or is larger :
Your package is forwarded by a carrier or by the postal service with tracking. Your package has a tracking number that is given to you in the e-mail confirmation, accessible from your customer account with the link to the carrier company.
For the delivery in France, you can choose a shipping with a systematic tracking through the post (even for reeds and small items), or an express delivery within 24 hours (only if items are in stock) at home or by a collection point, done by the TNT carrier company.
For countries outside EEC, French overseas departments and other countries in the world :
Your order is shipped by the French post and is given to postal services of the destination country. The transfer of packages through the French post is made by air mail in order to guarantee a minimal delivery delay.
You can contact us here for any request concerning your delivery.
A soon as your order is shipped, you will receive an e-mail with the related tracking number.
You will be delivered within the delay indicated with the shipping method (that you can see on the cart page or on the order confirmation page).
Every package containing fragile products benefits from a special attention. In that case, packages are overprotected and oversized.
Orders are prepared and shipped the day of their registration and of the validation of the payment corresponding, if they are placed before noon (12:00 AM), provided the items are in stock. For those placed during the afternoon, they will be shipped the day after.
If some items of your order are not in stock, we often decide to already ship those that are available (without any further cost for you).
For deferred payments (bank checks or bank transfers), your order is taken into account as soon as we receive the settlement. For payments by credit card, your order is automatically confirmed as soon as the settlement is validated and is then directly being processed.
As soon as your order is shipped, you receive a confirmation e-mail with the corresponding tracking number for concerned shipments.
You are allowed to ship the ordered items back within 15 days from the receipt at the address indicated on the invoice. For hygiene matters and for being able to be back to sales, returns are submitted to the following conditions :
• Only items in their intact package, in the initial new condition, without any traces of use and that can be back to purchase, can be shipped back. You have to take the postage costs in charge. As soon as we receive your return and if it is validated, your credit card will be credited back, or we will send a bank check to you.
In case of any default, we will contact you to let you know about the applied deduction.
• Reeds and mouthpieces that have been unpacked and that show traces of use will not be accepted. Package must be intact.
Any item that shows traces of unpacking or use will not be collected back, for obvious hygiene matters.
We remain at your disposal through that form (access here) for any further explanation.
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